中铁隆太原地铁土建施工项目率先通过验收 | Ranken's railway project in Taiyuan achieves inspection approval May 2020




On 22 May 2020, Ranken's EPC project for railway No.2 line in Taiyuan has achieved the inspection approval after an independent review and inspection by project owner and third-party specialists and professionals.

Since starting the project in 2016, Ranken has overcame several technical challenges and environmental issues, while at the same time, adhering to strict quality standards and safety measures. As a result, this project, which is one of several projects under railway line No. 2 in Taiyuan, is the first to be inspected and the first to achieve inspection approval.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-756

中铁隆荣获成都市新冠肺炎疫情防控专项五一劳动奖状 | Ranken accorded Labour Day Certificate for COVID-19 prevention work by Chengdu Municipal Government Mar 2020




During the battle with COVID-19, Ranken has strictly adhered to President Xi's principles and directives on the prevention and control of the pandemic.

In addition, Ranken has fully cooperated the local authorities and supported the initiatives with its own resources. Since 2018, this is the second time that Ranken has obtained the labour day certification.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-742

中铁隆土建施工创造第一 | 业主贺电称为太原市轨道交通建设树立了榜样 | Ranken received commendation by project owner, Taiyuan Railway Group, on setting high industry benchmarks Dec 2019




据了解,在近四年的建设过程中中铁隆214标项目部业绩显著。该项目工程被相关权威部门确立为环保施工样板工地和地铁盾构施工观摩工地。太原轨道交通发展有限公司专门组织2号线其他参建单位前往观摩。驻地周边群众也在"项目开放日" 应邀前往参观。该项目工程赢得广泛好评。在2020年即将到来的时候该项目完美收官,这是中铁隆人为太原人民献上的新年好礼

On 20 December 2019, Ranken received commendation by project owner, Taiyuan Railway Group, on setting high industry benchmarks in the urban rail transportation market in Taiyuan. Working on our EPC component project for 1,373 days, Ranken was the first to complete its construction work as compared to other contractors working on other components of the subway line No. 2 in Taiyuan. This railway project by Ranken was also accorded by the relevant authorities as a benchmark for environmental standards and construction standards. In addition, and the worksite was used as an open exhibition for viewings by the relevant professional parties.

中铁隆在青岛地铁信用考核中荣获第三名 | Ranken accorded 3rd place ranking with the evaluation by Qingdao Railway Group Nov 2019
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司 | Beijing Metro Construction Administration Corporation Ltd.



Qingdao Railway Group announced an assessment report for the 3rd quarter 2019 construction, supervision and third-party credit evaluation.

Out of 117 companies, Ranken was ranked number 3 in this assessment report and a credit ranking of A. Ranken previously completed one underground subway station for Qingdao Railway Group.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-708

中铁隆在宁波地铁4号线再创佳绩 | Ranken's EPC project for railway No.4 line in Ningbo awarded new accolades Nov 2019


After detailed inspections by independent professional parties, Ranken's EPC project for railway No.4 line in Ningbo has passed the inspection with unanimous approval.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-702

中铁隆新疆参建标段项目部获通报表扬 | Completion of certification process, Ranken's project in Urumiqi received acclamations from relevant authorities Jul 2019


The project department of the B-02 section of the first phase of Urumqi Rail Transit Line 2 has won acclaims from the authorities. The project was undertaken by a consortium of Ranken and Xinjiang Vital Development and Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. and in its official notification, the owner's construction unit Xinjiang Wujing Infrastructure Construction Management Co., Ltd. commended the project department on its excellent work.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-681

中铁隆参与科研的一项新技术达到国际领先水平 | A new technology, which Ranken participated in the research and development, has been recognised internationally. June 2019

中铁隆工程集团有限公司与济南城建集团有限公司、哈尔滨工业大学、济南市市政工程设计研究院(集团)有限公司共同完成的科研项目"城市复杂环境下浅埋超小净距隧道修建技术" 5月28日通过山东省行业知名专家组织的科技项目鉴定。


Ranken and Jinan City Construction Group, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Jinan Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd. jointly completed the scientific research project "Shallow Buried Ultra-small Distance Tunnel Construction Technology in Urban Complex Environment(城市复杂环境下浅埋超小净距隧道修建城市复杂环境下浅埋超小净距隧道修建技术)" The technology has secured the appraisal approval for identification of scientific and technological projects organized by well-known experts in Shandong Province on 28 May.

城市复杂环境下浅埋超小净距隧道修建技术)" The technology has secured the appraisal approval for identification of scientific and technological projects organized by well-known experts in Shandong Province on 28 May.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-673

"中铁隆13号"盾构机在宁波始发 | Ranken No 13" tunnelling equipment launched in Ningbo Mar 2019



"Ranken No 13" tunnelling equipment was launched successfully in rail transit Ningbo line 4 project-TJ4013 bid stage,from East Songjiang Road station to South Gaojiao Town station.

The total length of this tunnel is about 911 meters. The minimum tunnel depth is 9.4 meters and the maximum depth is about 15 meters. In order to ensure the smooth operation of "Ranken No 13" tunnelling equipment, the project manager developed a series of strategies and plans to deal with the potential issues.

Please see here for more details: http://www.ranken.com.cn/news-647

获评先进单位和先进个人 | 中铁隆在北京地铁19号线赢得荣光 | Advanced Enterprise Honor and Advanced Individual Honor in Beijing subway line 19 project Mar 2019



The project department completed the annual drawing plan on schedule, and carried out extensive coordination work on the construction site to assist the construction unit to resolve the problems encountered on-site and coordinated with the project owner to carry out research on the assembly platform and internal structure of the new station.

On 22 February, 3rd project management center of Beijing MTR Construction Administration Corporation awarded "the Advanced Enterprise Honor" to Ranken and "the Advanced Individual Honor" to project staff Mr. Xu Yang.


成都市总部企业 | Chengdu Headquarters Enterprise 2018
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 成都市总部经济发展领导小组办公室 | Chengdu Headquarters Economic Development Office


Chengdu is committed to a strategy of promoting assisting the large-scale headquarter enterprises with strong comprehensive competitiveness and cross-regional comprehensive management capabilities to scale to new heights and promote the development of Chengdu's economy.

成都市市长质量奖提名奖证书 | Chengdu Mayor Quality Nomination Prize 2018
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 成都市质量技术监督局 | Chengdu Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau


Chengdu Mayor Quality Prize is the highest award for quality established by the Chengdu Municipal Government. It is given to enterprises and organizations in every field which have displayed outstanding performance in quality, technological innovation, management, brand and economic economic benefit to the community.This annual prize includes the Grand Prize and the Nomination Award. The Mayor Quality Grand Prize is awarded to no more than 10 enterprises and organisations , and the Mayor Quality Nomination Prize is awarded to no more than 20.

武侯区民营企业50强 | Wuhou Top 50 Private Enterprises by People's Government of Wuhou District. Dec 2018
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中共成都市武侯区委 | Chengdu Wuhou District Committee
成都市武侯区人民政府 | People's Government of Wuhou District, ChengDu


Chengdu Mayor Quality Prize is the highest award for quality established by the Chengdu Municipal Government. It is given to enterprises and organizations in every field which have displayed outstanding performance in quality, technological innovation, management, brand and economic economic benefit to the community.This annual prize includes the Grand Prize and the Nomination Award. The Mayor Quality Grand Prize is awarded to no more than 10 emterprises and organisations , and the Mayor Quality Nomination Prize is awarded to no more than 20.

成都市百强民营企业 | Chengdu Top 100 Private Enterprises by People's Government of Chengdu City Nov 2018

获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中共成都市委 | Chengdu Committee
成都市人民政府 | Chengdu Government
2015-2016年四川省对外开拓先进企业 | Sichuan Province Enterprise of Excellence in 2015 - 2016 2018年1月
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省住房和城乡建设厅 | Sichuan Housing and Urban-Rural Department


The selection aims to select enterprises of excellence in Sichuan to encourage these enterprises to further develop their capabilities by expanding their market both in Sichuan and overseas.

国家高新技术企业 | High-Tech Enterprise 2017
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省科学技术厅 | Sichuan Science and Technology Bureau
四川省财政厅 | Sichuan Department of Finance
四川省国家税务局 | Sichuan State Taxation Bureau
四川省地方税务局 | Sichuan Local Taxation Bureau


National High-Tech Enterprises,also known as State-Level High-tech Enterprises, refer to enterprises recognised for their continuous research and development, and technological achievements within the State Key-Supported High-tech Areas, thus playing a key role in the development of the Nation's core of intellectual Property.

2016年度成都市"一带一路"跨国成长企业 | Chengdu B&R Emerging Multinational Company
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 成都市商务委员会 | Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce
成都市发展和改革委员会 | Chengdu Municipal Development Reform Comission
成都市经济和信息化委员会 | Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology
成都市统筹城乡和农业委员会 | Chengdu Municipal Urban and Rural and Agricultural Committee
成都市国有资产监督管理委员会 | State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Chengdu Municipal Government


To speed up local enterprises' globalising of their business, the five departments of the Municipal Commerce Commission have jointly carried out the 2016 "One Belt, One Road" assessment work. On the recommendations by district (city) county government or relevant business associations and review of the expert group, 10 enterprises, such as New Hope Group,Techcent,Tongwei Group, Tianqi Group and others were selected as Chengdu "One Belt and One Road" multinational leading enterprises in 2016. 20 companies including Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited of China Power, Xinzhu Corporation, Bayi Furniture and Lifang Digital Technology Group were selected as Chengdu "One Belt, One Road" emerging multinational enterprises in 2016. The awarded enterprises will be recognised in the "Go global & Bring in Revenue" key projects in Chengdu under the same conditions. They will enjoy the preferential policy treatment n projects.

博士后创新实践基地 | Innovation and Practice Base for Post-Doctorate 2016
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省人力资源和社会保障厅 | Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department


Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department was established to further increase high-level talent resources, enhance scientific and technological innovation, core competitiveness, and promote the synergy between production, education and research. On the basis of recommendations from various departments and assessment of expert groups, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of Sichuan Province approved 17 units, including Research Institute Electronic Science and Technology, and Chengdu Neusoft University to establish post-doctorate innovation practice bases.

四川省首届"开明杯"BIM大赛三等奖 | Third prize of "KaiMing Cup" in BIM Awards Dec 2015
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 成都地铁四号线东延线04标段盾构施工BIM应用项目 | Chengdu Metro Line 4
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省土木建筑学会建设信息化专委会 | Construction Building Information Modeling Committee of Sichuan Civil Engineering Society


The first "KaiMing" BlM (Building Information Modeling) contest in Sichuan aims to promote excellence in 3D digital modeling in construction and management of buildings and infrastructure engineering projects. Ranken's project "Chengdu Metro Line 4" won the Third Prize in the enterprise class. The contest was hosted by Construction Building Information Modeling Committee of Sichuan Civil Engineering Society and organized by Sichuan University. It was the first BIM contest in Sichuan. It covers the innovation and application of BIM in projects at various stages of bidding, design, construction, operation and maintenance. More than 60 teams from Sichuan universities, research institutes and construction enterprises participated in this contest. This award is a recognition of Ranken's research in and application of BIM technology.

四川省企业技术中心 | Sichuan Enterprise Technology Centre Oct 2015
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 四川省经济和信息化委员会 | Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Economic and Information Technology
四川省科学技术厅 | Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Bureau
四川省财政厅 | Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance
四川省地方税务局 | Sichuan Local Taxation Bureau
中华人民共和国成都海关 | Chengdu Customs District,PRC
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省土木建筑学会建设信息化专委会 | Construction Building Information Modeling Committee of Sichuan Civil Engineering Society


Sichuan Enterprise Technology Centre was established to promote and guide technology innovation among enterprises and to encourage them to continuously improve their innovation capabilities. Enterprises showing strong technological innovation capability, strong economic performance and playing a major role in Sichuan's economy will be identified and preferential treatment in policies will be given. The Provincial Enterprise Technology Center conducts an operational evaluation every two years.

2014年度市政基础设施结构长城杯金质奖工程 | Certified as 2014 Gold Prize project of Great Wall Cup by Beijing Municipal Engineering Association Feb 2015
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 奥体文化商务园区地下公共区间 | Underground public area of Olympic Sports Culture Business Park
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 北京市政工程行业协会 | Beijing Municipal Engineering Association


The Gold prize of Great Wall Cup is the highest award for construction projects in Beijing. Beijing carries out and reviews construction projects for Great Wall Cup under the supervision of the Beijing Construction Committee. The Beijing Engineering Construction Quality Management Association is responsible for organizing the review work of Great Wall Cup Project.

2014年度四川省在京施工管理优秀企业 | 2014 Sichuan Excellent Construction Enterprise in Beijing Jan 2015

获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省人民政府驻北京办事处建筑管理处 | Sichuan Construction Management Office in Beijing
AAA级安全文明标准化工地 | AAA Level Safety Plant Nov 2014
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 南宁市轨道交通1号线一期工程土建施工TJSG-1标工程 | Section TJSG-1 of Nanning Rail Transit Line 1 Phase
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国建筑业协会建筑安全分会 | Construction Safety branch of China Construction Industry Association


"National AAA Level Safety Plant Award " is the highest award established by China Construction Industry Association in 2008. It aims to standardize safety procedures and promote safety consciousness in construction work for the safety and health of construction workers.

2011-2012年度建筑业优秀企业 | Enterprise of Excellence in Construction Industry (2011-2012) Dec 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省建筑业协会 | Sichuan Construction Industry Association


Sichuan Construction Industry Association is a province-wide organization comprising Sichuan enterprises, factories,institutes and other relevant groups engaged in civil engineering construction, electrical, piping, equipment installation, steel structure, and interior design and research. As a legal entity, it is a non-profit social organization registered with the Civil Affairs Department.

2011年度中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖技术创新先进企业 | Enterprise of Excellence in Technology & innovation Prize of China Association of Construction Enterprise Management in 2013-2014 Oct 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国施工企业管理协会 | China Association of Construction Enterprise Management


China Association of Construction Enterprise Management was established in February 1984, it is directly affiliated to the National Development and Reform Commission

2011年度市政基础设施结构长城杯金质奖工程 | Certified as 2011 Gold Prize project of Great Wall Cup by Beijing Municipal Engineering association Jan 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 角门西站 | Jiaomenxi Station
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 北京市政工程行业协会 | Beijing Municipal Engineering Association


The Gold Prize of Great Wall Cup is the highest award for construction projects in Beijing. Beijing carries out and reviews construction projects for Great Wall Cup under the supervision of the Beijing Construction Committee. The Beijing Engineering Construction Quality Management Association is responsible for organizing the review work of Great Wall Cup Project.

2011年"中国建研院CABR杯"华夏建设科学技术三等奖 | 2011 Third Prize of CABR Cup Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award Jan 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 地铁隧道施工安全质量信息化监控和管理系统 | Subway tunnel construction safety+ information monitoring and management system
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 华夏建设科学技术奖励有限公司 | Huaxia Construction Science and Technology


"Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award" is a construction industry science and technology award.. The awarding institution is China Architecture Design and Research Institute, the organizer is Science and Technology Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Construction, and the decision-making body is the award committee comprising relevant construction industry groups. There are four prizes: Special Prize, First Prize, Second Prize and Third Prize.

中国土木工程学会成立100周年百年百项杰出土木工程 | Awarded as "Hundreds of outstanding civil engineering projects" by China Civil Engineering Society in its 100th anniversary Jan 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 武广铁路客运专线 | Wuhan–Guangzhou high-speed railway
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国土木工程学会 | China Civil Engineering Society
詹天佑土木工程科技发展基金会 | Zhan TianYou Development Foundation for Science and Technology


To celebrate the centenary of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society and the 150th anniversary of the birth of China's modern engineering construction technology pioneer Zhan Tianyou, China Civil Engineering Society and Beijing Zhan Tianyou Civil Development Foundation for Science and technology organized the selection of "Hundreds of outstanding civil engineering projects" in civil engineering construction industry. This initiative aims to showcase the patriotic, innovative, and self-dependant spirit of civil engineering in China, and demonstrate the achievements of civil engineering construction in China.

中国土木工程学会成立100周年百年百项杰出土木工程 | Awarded as "Hundreds of outstanding civil engineering projects" by China Civil Engineering Society in its 100th anniversary Jan 2012
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 京津城际铁路(含北京南站改扩建工程) | Beijing–Tianjin intercity railway(Include Beijing South Station reconstruction and extension project)
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国土木工程学会 | China Civil Engineering Society
詹天佑土木工程科技发展基金会 | Zhan TianYou Development Foundation for Science and Technology


To celebrate the centenary of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society and the 150th anniversary of the birth of China's modern engineering construction technology pioneer Zhan Tianyou, China Civil Engineering Society and Beijing Zhan Tianyou Civil Development Foundation for Science and technology organized the selection of "Hundreds of outstanding civil engineering projects" in civil engineering construction industry. This initiative aims to showcase the patriotic, innovative, and self-dependant spirit of civil engineering in China, and demonstrate the achievements of civil engineering construction in China.

2010年度四川省建设工程天府金杯奖 | Sichuan High Quality Engineering Gold Prize (Tianfu Cup) 2010 Jul 2011
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线工程 | 2500t/d new dry cement production line engineering project
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省建住房和城乡建设厅 | Sichuan Housing and Urban-Rural Department


"Tianfu Cup" represents the highest honor in Sichuan Province's construction industry. This annual award is divided into "Gold Prize" and"Silver Prize". The selection of the "Tianfu Cup" Award is organized and implemented by the Sichuan Construction Supervision and Engineering Quality Association.

第十届中国土木工程詹天佑奖 | 10th China Zhan Tianyou Science and Technology Award Feb 2011
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 北京奥林匹克公园中心区市政配套工程 | Beijing Olympic Park Central District Municipal Supporting Project
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国土木工程学会 | China Civil Engineering Society
詹天佑土木工程科技发展基金会 | Zhan TianYou Development Foundation for Science and Technology


"Zhan Tianyou Award", called "China Zhan Tianyou Science and Technology Award "is the highest honour for engineering and innovation in China's civil and structural engineering industry. China Civil Engineering Society and ZhanTianYou Development Foundation for Science and Technology jointly set up this award in 1999. This biennial award is also known as the construction industry's "Technology Innovation Engineering Award" .

北京市市政基础设施竣工长城杯工程金质奖证书 | The Gold Certificate of Great Wall Cup for Great Structure Jan 2011
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 轨道交通大兴线工程02标(起点-新宫站区间) | Rail transit Daxing line project-02 phase(From starting station to Xingong Station)
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 北京市政工程行业协会 | Beijing Municipal Engineering Association


The Gold certificate of Great Wall Cup is the highest award for construction projects in Beijing. Beijing carries out and reviews construction projects for Great Wall Cup under the supervision of the Beijing Construction Committee. The Beijing Engineering Construction Quality Management Association is responsible for organizing the review work of Great Wall Cup Project.

2010年度四川省结构优质工程| Sichuan Structural Project of Excellence (2010) Jul 2009
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 2055t/d新型干法水泥 | 2055t/d new dry cement production line
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 四川省建设厅 | Sichuan Province Construction Department


Applicable to the review of new construction engineering structural projects in the administrative area of ​​Sichuan Province, it is the premier award of Sichuan Province for construction quality.

全国岩土锚固技术创新与工程应用优秀单位 | National Excellent Enterprise On Application and Innovation in Geotechnical and Anchoring Dec 2008
获奖单位/项目/AWARD RECIPIENT: 中铁隆工程集团有限公司 | Ranken Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.
颁发单位/AWARD ISSUER: 中国施工企业管理协会 | China Association of Construction Enterprise Management
岩土锚固工程专业委员会 | China Geotechnical and Anchoring Association


China Geotechnical and Anchoring Association is a professional and technical organisation which was established in November 1988, it is founded by units and individuals voluntarily engaged in design, construction, research and development of machinery and equipment and materials. The Secretariat is located at No. 33, Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing. This association is under China Association of Construction Enterprise Management